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Client spotlight! Kate McGill is not only gorgeous, she is a renown and award winning Welsh singer-songwriter.

S Y N T H E S I S  |  Kate McGill + Kate Hewko

Kate McGill is not only gorgeous, she is a renown and award winning Welsh singer-songwriter.

How Kate and Kate came together is a story of serendipity as McGill’s label called her up and told her there was a cool designer in Calgary that would love for her to be the face of her upcoming lookbook.

McGill took one glance Kate’s rings, clothes, furs and aesthetic -  and jumped on a plane.

And as you can see, the results are amazing…



































But who IS that beautiful gal in the picture?

McGill is actually kind of a big deal as the 13th most subscribed to musician on YouTube. :O

She started out as a YouTube sensation covering hit songs by Adele, The Killers, Mumford and Sons, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry -  which ultimately lead to her own music and debut album Replaced.

The cutest thing:  Kate has nicknamed her fans 'McThrills' who have been incredibly supportive of her career evolution.

Since 2013 Kate had been in a band called Meadowlark, played Glastonbury (!!!) and released their debut album 'Postcards' in June 2017.

We are so thrilled for Kate McGill and had the opportunity to catch up this week in a quick Q&A.

(Kate is so delightful we wanted to share her personality that shone through in answering our questions):

How did you get into music?  Or did it find you?

I started uploading YouTube videos when I was 17 (they were awful) and it just grew and grew. I gained quite an audience on there from singing covers of other people's songs, and then 5 years ago I decided I'd had enough and wanted to focus on my own music and being known for that!

Please tell us a little about your music and Meadowlark.  e.g. inspiration for your debut album 'Postcards'?  Future direction?

Meadowlark is the sum of me and my best mate Daniel Broadley. We write melancholy electro-pop music and have the best time doing it. Postcards was written over the span of 3 years and we're so proud of it. It covers everything from our broken-down love lives to drug abuse. We're already writing album number 2 and it's proving to be a LOT of fun. No spoilers here, though.

We have seen your YouTube and videos.  Wow!  What is it like to be noticed?

It's really really weird. I am not the most confident of people, and to be honest I feel out of my depth a lot of the time - especially in music. So when people really enjoy and support the stuff I do, it baffles and amazes me over and over again. I can't complain, though! What an amazing job!

Please tell us about your personal style.  What types of things do you love to wear? (noticed the pearled denim shirt on your Facebook page - is it from Kate Hewko?)

I am OBSESSED with that denim shirt! It's probably one of the most "out there" pieces I own. I LOVE monochrome and I am constantly in black. I like big jumpers and skinny jeans teamed with huge platform boots. I like a simple yet chic kinda style. 



What about when you are on tour or on YouTube?

I like to play around a bit more when I'm on stage. Something that'll grab the audience's attention. I really love black lace stuff and if I can get some metal in there somewhere, I will. Big hoops, big boots and big hair. I like to feel myself but times a million. 

What are your favourite songs to perform?

Ooo, big question! Right now, I like performing one of our album tracks 'Undercover'. It just has SO much energy and I love to play the samples and pretend I'm a DJ for a few minutes.

Favourite item from the recent Kate Hewko photo shoot? 

The rings. All of the rings. They are absolutely incredible and make me feel like an actual superstar. I want them all!


Your Instagram is solid. Who takes a majority of your photos?

Just little old me. I appreciate the compliment actually 'cause I think it looks quite dull - ha!


Kate McGill + Kate Hewko is another perfect synthesis of art, performance  and style.  

We hope Kate McGill scores more “McThrills” and we will see you in Kate Hewko on YouTube/Instagram soon!


See all Kate Hewko’s new looks at the  S Y N T H E S I S  launch November 30th


x Shalene Yaskowich for Kate Hewko


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